'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...'
Margaret Wolfe Hungerford.

Everyone know this old saying.  But what exactly is Beauty?  What makes someone beautiful?  Good genes?  A fabulous dermatologist/cosmetic surgeon?  A disciplined lifestyle?  Or something MORE? 

As an Energy Healer I am taking on a really interesting subject here!  
Because, since everything is ultimately at its core pure energy, the question arises...

Is being beautiful or ugly or blah ultimately nothing more than the end result of specific inner Energetic Vibrations, made visible?  Manifesting outwardly?

 'At 50 you get the face you deserve.'
Coco Chanel and George Orwell both said this.

Or 60,70,80 90, 100... it really doesn't matter! Because I believe true beauty transcends age.

I am not talking sexiness and hotness here..although naturally everyone wants to look attractive. This pursuit is a trillion dollar industry. Youth and sexiness is worshiped and aging is feared in modern society. This limited attitude is so prevalent that it was even difficult for me to find online images of joy-filled older people who a) were not famous/ highly attractive in their youth already, or b) and this is so sad...many many many images of older women in particular striving to look 30 again having had obvious cosmetic surgery. Sure..some of them look wonderful at first glance but look'll see a self conscious insecurity behind their eyes......

You can spend all you want and have tons of work done...that's great! (I am not anti cosmetic surgery or makeup, hair dye and all the fun stuff) BUT if you are not glowing with inner joyful love filled energy, no matter what you do on the outside... your inner self will still be the energy vibration that prevails.


So what to do? How do we achieve real beauty? That inner gorgeous fire that sustains and warms our hearts and those around us until the end of this life? That certain something that some people have, no matter how nonsensical their features appear, or how old they are...that something that inspires others to say..." Wow..she or he is so beautiful..."

 So what IS the best Beauty TREATMENT?

'Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.'
Kahlil Gibran

The answer is so simple it is hard to accept!

 When you transform your energy within, wonderful results begin to emanate from within and show...not only in your face but in your entire body!  You begin to feel better and therefore more beautiful all over!  Energy Healing provides what the cosmetic industry cannot...freedom for the for life...wisdom..a shining light within...the results of releasing emotional and physical imbalances of Mind Body and Spirit, allowing for space and enabling the bringing in of healthy balanced energy...optimum wellness.   Which all leads to beauty in all myriad forms and opinions....whether enhanced cosmetically or not. Renewing a kind of youthful energy that we were all born with.  How beautiful!

Try it and prove it for yourself!

Here are some examples of beautiful shining spirits ..which I have found..with that certain something in my opinion!

Thank you for reading this second..and have a beautiful day!💖

"Energy Healing knows no Boundaries!"
 For Energy Healing Sessions, in person or worldwide via Skype go to 

Blessings love and light


Design for Life Energy Healer CECP CBCP Reiki III Master.


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