An exploration into Addiction and potentially harmful behavior.

Another enormous subject to tackle here and I am going to try not to bore you rigid with tons of information already available everywhere on the subject of Addiction. As an Energy Healer, I come across people with addictive behavior of all kinds, which prompts me to voice my impressions here:
There IS, or so it seems to me, to be an underlying unifying quality to all addiction...a searching for Spirit.

What does that mean?

By Searching for Spirit, I mean there is something about addictive behavior that is hungry...that wishes to fill..some hole ...obviously an energetic hole...a sense of something missing..desires aching painful sense of separation.  

Of and from what? 

People have always needed some outlet for human expression; the ritual madness and ecstasy of Dionysus; pagan, tribal, totemic festivals..not to mention the creative outlets and magnificence of art, music and literature..How many great writers many musicians and writers have done drugs? But the problems started when Spirit connection became lost...that is to say the strength of Spiritual connection and awareness contained within people disappeared, leaving them vulnerable to dark energy take over, essentially possessing people without letting go...without inner Spirit guidance allowing them to come back to themselves, resuming their daily lives with added zest for life and increased wisdom. They stay stuck going round in circles, like moths around a dangerous flame.

" And so dance, and dance and dance she did. Over highest hills, and through valleys, in the rain and in the snow and in the sunlight, she danced. She danced in the darkest night and through sunrise and she was still dancing in the twilight as well. But it was not good dancing. It was terrible dancing, and there was no rest for her."  'The Red Shoes'.'Women who run with the Wolves.' Clarissa Pinkola Estes. 

I am going to take a leap here and say without reservation that I believe there is a core feeling in all humanity, conscious or subconscious.....a feeling of loss and a desire to find and reconnect with our true Divine Spiritual selves and for that re connection to last.

Ha! Here comes religion!

But not really....

Religion does not provide all the answers; if it did churches and temples would be overflowing with people flocking to experience the high they are missing. Obviously there exist Pastors Rabbis Shamans and and Priests who have good hearts and Spirit, but many people feel that organized religion does not serve humanity; it controls... it has let humanity down with judgment and condemnation while all the time corruption has crept into its hallowed halls.  If Jesus, for example, were to come among us today, would he be hanging out in the churches and religious institutions? I don't think so. It is an interesting idea to muse on...I believe he would be with the sick..the poor in mind/body and Spirit; the suffering and the addicted. He would be with the people.  So Religion..time for a wake up call?

 " Are you looking for me? I am in the next seat. My shoulder is against yours. You will not find me in stupas, not in Indian shrine rooms, nor in Synagogues, not in cathedrals, not in masses, nor kirtans, not in legs winding around your own neck, nor in eating nothing but vegetables. When you really look for me, you will see me instantly- you will find me in the tiniest house of time. Kabir says, Student tell me what is God? He is the breath inside the breath." Robert Bly.

So where lies the answer? 

I believe that Divine Spirit exists within each of us...including inside everything else by the way...all that you see hear smell touch taste and intuit around you.

What does that mean?

 It means I believe and have seen it first hand in my practice, that we are all part of a great Creation who's driving force is LOVE. Within this love are many other higher consciousness, bliss, compassion. All these states are readily available and accessible and yet we have lost that connection...we lost it to begin with when we were born human here and as we grew up in this judgmental world;  'How can I be Divine..I poop for goodness sake!' The mortal human crud; a body anchored here to this planet, seems inescapably low yet we have a mind that demands answers. God..or a Higher Power if the word God bothers you, knows.... I believe part of the reason we are given this human experience is to bring together both our human mind/body and our Spirit. Maybe the whole human journey is nothing more than this..this emerging of merging consciousness.We are human and at the same time we are Divine.

" We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. we are spiritual beings having a human experience." Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

So where does addiction come in here? 

It is all part of this search. Whether we are harming ourselves in order to try to forget and avoid our human crud,

 "the contortions we go through just not to be ourselves for a few hours" Keith Richards, The Rolling Stones.

or, actively seeking joy through addictive behavior; sex, drugs, alcohol, food, or excesses of any kind, OR maybe both, it all comes down to a terrible inner discontent..a lack..a sense of something missing. The underlying causes and impulses that drive us towards different addiction go beyond listing..there are so so many and can even be caused by inherited pain and heartbreak.

" Heart breaker, heart breaker..She stuck the pins right in her heart  Heart Breaker, pain maker...Stole the love right out of your heart"
'Doo Doo Doo'  The Rolling Stones

The human world is zooming towards a higher consciousness at beyond lightening speed...there signs everywhere of this...a dying off of the old order..painful changes maybe...still ...we are being propelled upward towards greater consciousness all the time as mysticism and science begin to overlap and combine....albeit still with going through experiences that are tough to handle.  Safe spaces with puppies and coloring books are fun, but anesthetize us back to some idealized childhood and are not the answer...nor is diving into escapism with substances. There are other better ways to conscious healing.. to overcome this Spirit deprivation ..this lost age.

There is a view that addicts are actually more conscious of their pain than those forging ahead on will power alone. So who is healthier? Feeling anything has to be better than blocking off completely. Through feeling can come realization..

" We are human beings and transcending our humanness cannot come through a fast escape into an altered state of consciousness that cannot be integrated into daily living. Addicts live not by nature but by magic. The magician presides."  Marion Woodman, Jungian analyst

 With breaking the magician's spell comes with realization ...."Okay...Maybe eating/drinking/drugging myself under the table is not actually bringing me bliss...." There..right there, is an opportunity for exploration into what is truly going on...

How do we do that?

There are many avenues available now to break the dark spell but one has to desire to rise above addiction. Alongside traditional therapy, (and AA is still considered to be the most successful of these traditions) Energy healing ..particularly The Body Code modality, does have the ability to identify and release dark energy that prevents us from being able to help ourselves and can drive us over the edge...Gosh! We have enough dark energy surrounding us everyday and hand in hand with addictive behavior goes Toxicity..which then feeds addiction.. which leads to... wow..a cycle of harm.

The Body Code Divine guided Energy Healing is the quickest way I have found, so far, to finding answers and some realization. First comes desire to explore; then the identifying and releasing of unwanted energies, leading to the ultimate goal.. a re accessing of one's personal power.. the Divine gift of free will of a rebalanced and reconnected mind/body and Spirit, enabling one to consciously choose where to go from there.  And the journey continues: you find you are your own healer. Every day comes renewal through conscious Divine connected awareness...a conscious connection to your own unlimited source of love and protection and joy throughout this lifetime and beyond.

The answer is here...the great gift...the key... to unlocking our Divinity and reconnecting to our inner Nirvana..Heaven, Paradise. An real, accessible Divinity embodied in our humanity at last.

"The small ruby everyone wants has fallen out on the road. Some think it is East of us, others West of us. Some say among primitive earth rocks; Others, in the deep waters. Kabir’s instinct told him it was inside, And what it was worth –& he wrapped it up carefully in his heart cloth." Kabir
Further information on Energy Healing with Nikki Danby Twist CECP CBCP REIKIIII:

Also recommended: ' E-Motion the Movie'  Available to rent or buy on


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