What is your preference?


With the launch of my recent Energy Healing Abundance Program, I have had a chance to explore a boatload of clients's issues with money!

I am finding that the single most common belief and behavior issue with finance is being stuck in a habitual mindset.  This happens at all wealth levels. A kind of subconscious self - limiting 'settling for where one is' energy. And although there can be discontent, grumbling and a desire to improve finances...nothing changes or at least change is so slow: at a snails pace.

Why is that?

It is fine to prefer eating tuna over caviar.  I am not tuna shaming here!  And I know some sushi tuna costs a fortune.  I am talking analogies here: plain old canned tuna compared with Beluga caviar. A VW car compared to a Ferrari and CZs compared to real Diamonds. (Actually I think most people would prefer real diamonds to CZs!)  Conscious choice is fine but I am exploring subconscious behavior here...

 Even if you prefer tuna, could you still get the caviar? Do you feel free to have both tuna and caviar? Or..do you buy tuna and expect it to be caviar? In other words..are you cheap and then disappointed? Or do you only see yourself as a tuna person? If someone were to give you a large sum of money, would you just buy a bigger can of tuna? Is your financial mindset forever stuck in canned tuna mode?!
 Is it impossible for you to ever imagine having so called luxury things and experiences? Are you on some level self-imposing a limited mindset? You may laugh at this idea but it is amazing how common this issue is. I have heard: 
"Ha! Only rich people can afford to have/do that and THAT'S NOT ME!"  This effectively slams the door on abundance. Or, more subtly..." Money does show up somehow when I REALLY NEED IT" revealing a lifestyle, real or imagined, of poverty consciousness: being in stagnation or lack mode.

THERE..Right there...with those statements, you have set and projected a subconscious intention energy. The Body Code would call it a Mental Energy mindset: a Broadcast message, a Despair Anchor or an Image that is pigeonholing you and energetically disallowing you from any possibility of financial growth and happy abundance, or at the least dramatically slowing down your rate of success.

"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation."Henry David Thoreau.

But let's say you are not actively pushing away success, but quite the opposite: working away to attract wealth, doing all the positive thinking, vision boarding, endlessly repeating affirmations, visualizing etc...yet.. despite working yourself ragged: little or no change.

Why is that?

Because of Energy Blocks.

What are those and how do we remove them?  

Energy Blocks are just that: a myriad of energetic influences that can impede, slow down or actively prevent forward progress.  Causes can lie with self-imposed limitations, or, for those already working consciously towards wealth yet making little or no headway, the fault may lie with forces entirely beyond their control:

Inherited trapped emotions and negative energies have powerful effects on the money mindset and these trapped energies can be generations old!  Recent past influences are also powerful...absorbing energy from parents, teachers, leaders etc. We are porous Beings! And subject to energetic influence from everywhere! Offensive energy plays a part as well. We are all beings of Energy at our core and energy waxes and wanes with mysterious life Force. Energy is exchanged all the time, whether for good or ill, between people, animals, plants..even places.  Even somethings as simple as a physical or mental toxin, pathogen or excess stress hormone can affect mindset.  After all, as Dr. Deepak Chopra says,  it is becoming more and more apparent that Mind/Body are one.

As a Energy Healing Practitioner, I have not found a more efficient and immediate way for identifying and removing blocks than with The Body Code.  The Body Code addresses ALL AREAS where blocks can occur.  This precise and efficient energy healing modality enables exploration of all symptomatic issues, financial or otherwise, removing underlying causes and enabling free will and choice to flourish in balanced healthy MindBody & Spirit.

"Money is usually attracted, not pursued." 
Jim Rohn. American Entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker.

Some of the many questions asked, answered and worked on in my sessions:

  • Do you like money or does it repel you in some way?......if so, you repel it too! 
  •  Do you find yourself playing the role of financial victim?
  •  Are you okay with letting go of your old financial belief system?
  •  Are you comfortable with making changes? 

Some of the happiest people have hardly any possessions at all and some of the most miserable are very wealthy and yet have a huge money anxieties. Abundance mindsets appear therefore to be very subjective! But it IS possible to breakthrough and out of a poor financial mindset and get out of the rut of financial desperation.

" I believe that attracting financial abundance is all a matter of energy: Identifying and removing negative influences, freeing up the space for attracting positive energy and encouraging a happy mindset enabling prosperity."  
Nikki Danby Twist Certified ECode and BCode Practitioner, Reiki III Master, Minister with The Universal Life Church, Artist and Spiritual Seeker.

So through energy healing you can find the way to enjoy
 your tuna AND your caviar! 

For more information about
The Abundance Breakthrough Program 
see Services on the website and contact Nikki for a complimentary consultation: In person or worldwide via Skype.

Disclaimer: Releasing trapped emotions using The Emotion Code™, The Body Code , Reiki III, or any other type of Energy Healing practiced by Nikki Danby Twist, whether in person or by proxy, is not a substitute for medical care. This information is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Information received is not intended to create any physician-patient relationship, nor should it be considered a replacement for consultation with a health care professional, nor is it meant to replace any medical treatments as ordered by any Physician, nor any other medical care you have been advised to seek by them. I further understand that these methods are not a replacement for any professional psycho-therapeutic or counseling sessions in the treatment of any mental health issues or disorders.  If you have questions or concerns about your health, please contact your health care provider. Energy Healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieving stress and supporting the body's natural ability to heal. Energy healing is widely recognized s a valuable and effective complement to conventional medical care. The provider, Nikki Danby Twist,  makes no claims as to healing or recovery from any illness. This information is offered as a service and is not meant to replace any medical treatment. No guarantee is made towards validity. All information given is confidential. Should a client wish to give a testimonial, all last names will be kept private. All Healing Session purchases are non-refundable.


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