LOVE ENERGY : A guide to Bliss

Hello dear Ones!

Today I am going to write about LOVE...small word..... massive subject.

February marks St Valentines Day and everywhere now in the stores you see the heart cards and balloons and so on; the TV advertisements for chocolate covered strawberries, or big teddy bears or weirdly...rather ugly pink velour pajamas! Go figure! I guess rules and regulations prevent advertising pretty lingerie. All this tends to irritate as much as making one go 'Awww!'   Does all this stuff  have anything to do with real love?  Well, actually yes... it does...if only a miniscule part of love.  All this stuff and fuss touches on something; something more...something indescribably grand and immensely powerful!


Well, here goes my attempt to describe true love:

The feeling of total oneness in Bliss with ALL that is... all that is within you and surrounds you...all that exists in this world and beyond in the totality of Creation.


Right?! So how does THAT have anything to do with the commercial stuff or 'romance'? Well, I think that when we as humans experience 'falling in love' we do actually get a glimpse...a feeling of Bliss and union with all life. The world around you is beautiful. It is as though a grey veil pulls apart and you see and feel this immense and glorious JOY. But sadly this feeling doesn't last. Maybe it does for a year or two if desire is drawn out through lovers being parted.  A few months is lucky, or weeks, or days or sometimes just 24 hours! And then Whoosh! the veil is lowered again and you come 'down to earth' and 'reality' returns...sometimes very painfully.

Love is so sought after and desired. Why is it also so hard? So painful?

For many reasons. I think it is primarily because we humans carry tons of negative energy in the form of trapped emotional pain: trapped emotions from our own experiences, memories, the weight of inherited  energies; absorbed energy from places and others around us...sometimes from even before birth; future fear; past guilt; programmed expectation energy from childhood; Culture programmed energy; Karmic* energy, both Personal and Collective...the list goes on. Also Heart Walls, that are literally energy walls produced by the subconscious to prevent harm but end up numbing all feeling...the bad and the good. But simply put, we have lost touch with our true self consciousness...which IS love. We ARE love. Over time this great truth has been forgotten and human beings have been flailing around, blowing with every wind and desperately seeking love 'in all the wrong places'... looking for answers ever since. But this is not all 'bad'!

What! It sounds can it not be bad?

 Well...there is, I believe, a strange sort of purpose behind all the suffering:

All painful experience can be likened to an angel touching you on the shoulder...sometimes gently... sometimes a 'hit upside the head'! (These last happen because you have repeatedly ignored the gentle touches and the nudges get stronger and stronger). We have the gift of free will and choice...we can decide the roads we follow. But if painful results happen over and over again it is a sign...the phrase 'Wake Up Call' describes this well. 'Hello!!' This angel prod (or higher power nudge or little voice inside..intuition...whatever you wish to call it) is the key to waking up to a wider awareness..a greater consciousness of the love energy that has actually always been available right here and now.

'When the student is ready the teacher will appear.' Attributed to Buddha

All attraction is energy. Who or what you find attractive is part of a learning experience. In fact all attraction or lack all relationship or lack thereof, is a means and a propulsion towards higher self knowledge and consciousness. Many lifetimes can be involved here, but not always. Satori*...Illumination* does exist and it is possible to become aware of this Divine gift of true love in a flash. Perhaps even the Romantic 'falling in love' experience could be described as an introductory flash glimpse of True Love! A precursor.

Once experienced, is it possible to avoid burning out? Is it possible to sustain this love awareness? Especially shared with someone else..? 

Yes it is. Once your own energy vibration reaches a higher level of consciousness: knowing that you are energetic love and so is all around you... that you are One with Everything, you will find that you attract someone who is vibrating at the same energetic level. This is an ideal state to arrive at. Indeed it is close to Bliss*. But there are many happy levels of relationship on the way to this experience. Where ever you are in terms of your enlightenment level, you shall find you attract the ideal relationships that you need into order to grow. You can arrive at a level where you attract someone who is also on the same growth path and the energetic dance between you follows an ever upward spiral towards True Love. This is actually a fun and joyous journey! The little 'lows' of relationship problems between you prod you forward to ever greater awareness. This is how a healthy love relationship operates. On the other hand, we all know too well the dysfunctional or downright destructive relationships, miserably weighed down...spiraling down...with aforementioned 'bad' energies.  Unchanged, they engender only more negative energy and sadly, pass it on. But even these 'bad' relationships can be catalysts for healing. Every relationship has something to teach us.

'All attack is a cry for help.' Neale Donald Walsh

Yes...most relationships seem to struggle so much....what if you want to fast track out of this mess?

There are many paths to True Love. All are valuable. Relationships can fast track you! Positive Spiritual teachings on love and relationship increase knowledge and awareness. Plus more and more people now are vibrating at higher levels of consciousness. Known as Beings of Light, Energy Healers, Light Workers, etc..they appear in all walks of life and more people arrive to the higher levels of consciousness every day. You will know them by their energy...they radiate good. The world needs many healers right now and it a time of great awakening worldwide.

My own path to true love evolved through many twists and turns and I am ever evolving! Now I have my own Energy Healing Practice and use my gathered knowledge and intuitive gift ability to work as a certified Emotion Code, Body Code and Reiki III practitioner with clients, as well as giving healing Meditation instruction. The Body Code is the fastest track I have found so far for releasing old unwanted negative energy. What an amazing comprehensive and efficient healing modality! It really does address all and any issues and transforms lives for the record time.

For more information and to schedule a complementary consultation with me, 

Nikki Danby Twist CECP CBCP Reiki III  
 Design For Life Energy Healing:

Sessions worldwide through Skype, FaceTime or WhatsApp as well as In Person.

My new Workshop Program is now available:
The True Love, Resonating Relationships* Program

Master the Love Connection: The Energy of Romance. An In Depth Body Code Healing Program designed specifically to enhance your capacity in love...both the giving and the receiving.  Consists of four stages: Discover, Expose, Release and Heal your relationships... ALL kinds of relationships.  Six 1 hour Sessions. 
For more information see Services on

  • Satori: sudden enlightenment and a state of consciousness attained by intuitive illumination representing the spiritual goal of Zen Buddhism. Illumination: Spiritual enlightenment. Bliss:a state of Spiritual Blessedness: Enlightenment. Karmic energy: 'how family, ancestral, past lives, karmic, archetypal, and other larger layers such as societal, cultural, global, and cosmic energies condition us to sleep and obscure our realization of an awakened state.' Free Dictionary. The Resonating Relationships Program is the 'heart child' of Natalie Nelson, CBCP and daughter of Dr. Bradley Nelson, author of The Emotion Code and The Body Code energy healing modalities. 

'Energy Healing Knows No Boundaries...'

Disclaimer: Releasing trapped emotions using The Emotion Code™, The Body Code , Reiki III, or any other type of Energy Healing practiced by Nikki Danby Twist, whether in person or by proxy, is not a substitute for medical care. This information is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Information received is not intended to create any physician-patient relationship, nor should it be considered a replacement for consultation with a health care professional, nor is it meant to replace any medical treatments as ordered by any Physician, nor any other medical care you have been advised to seek by them. I further understand that these methods are not a replacement for any professional psycho-therapeutic or counseling sessions in the treatment of any mental health issues or disorders.  If you have questions or concerns about your health, please contact your health care provider. Energy Healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieving stress and supporting the body's natural ability to heal. Energy healing is widely recognized as a valuable and effective complement to conventional medical care. The provider, Nikki Danby Twist,  makes no claims as to healing or recovery from any illness. This information is offered as a service and is not meant to replace any medical treatment. No guarantee is made towards validity. All information given is confidential. Should a client wish to give a testimonial, all last names will be kept private. All Healing Session purchases are non-refundable.


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