ABSORBED ENERGY: Programmed and conditioned influences.

Hello dear Ones!

I have been ' intuitively nudged' to write about this subject for awhile: the enormity of absorbed energy and programmed conditioning.

We think we know who we are...but how much of ourselves is really 'us'? And how much  is conditioned, or programmed from outside influence and absorbed environment...often from a very young age?

I want to make clear before continuing that there is zero judgment in play here. Beliefs, traditions, education, social or political identities, etc; as far as I am concerned are not inherently 'good' or 'bad'.  All just IS. All is just experience... and the consequences of experience is a matter of multiple choice and free will.  Exploring the subject of programmed and conditioned energies in this age now of rising universal consciousness is timely...

Knowledge is power, as the saying goes. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be aware of one's programmed conditioning and to be free to pick and choose useful and positive programming to keep and at the same time realize what is not serving you or humanity and the planet and be able to let the negative go?

We are all One universal energy...Spiritual wisdom teaches us so...and Science confirms it too at the Quantum level. Everything within and around us is fundamentally Creation energy, manifesting in countless different experiences..as people, animals, plants, earth, ocean, atmosphere, all is made possible by some Divine Force. I use the word Divine here as a means of describing this 'mystery that passes all understanding'. Is all creation random or planned? Therein lies belief ...or disbelief.

 We do know that everything is...at the core... energy. As subatomic porous fields of energy, we absorb positive or negative energy influence. We also have tremendous outgoing energy influence on others.

Indeed, if everything is energy then so is thought/belief energy. Thought/belief therefore manifests in you and also what is manifested...attracted or repelled...all around you! ANYTHING that you believe in exists, in some energy form or another. This is so powerful. Go inside an ancient temple or church, an abandoned prison, even an empty football stadium...anywhere where large numbers of people have congregated over time, happily or miserably, and you will know what I mean...you can feel all that concentrated energy of human thought and emotion.  Even deserted, an energy vibration is still there in these places...ringing...like a bell.

"Brew us the magic in which all limits dissolve, spirit forever bent to the fire! That fathomless limit of evil, first, which revolves also around those who are resting and do not stir. Dissolve with a few drops whatever excludes in the limit of the ages, which makes our past wisdom a fraud; for how deeply we have absorbed the Athenian sunlight and the mystery of the Egyptian falcon or god.."
Rainer Maria Rilke 

Much that we use to describes ourselves.. how we describe ourselves to others, can be traced back to programmed and conditioned energy.  Whatever you focus on...that to which you give thought and belief, tends to expand and increase. Thought energy amplifies your experience and equally, what you resist will also tend to persist...even grow!  

Why is this? What is the underlying influence?  

Energy! Pure and simple: mind/thought/belief is nothing more than energy manifesting itself one way or another!  The value of something depends on the amount of thought/belief placed on it...therefore anything can be of value to somebody.  Anything that has value is 'real' and yet also 'not real' to someone depending simply on the energy of what they think and believe. 

Take Astrology. Here is a great example of thought/belief manifesting a tremendous influence over people. Anyone alive from the 60s onward knows their astrological sign. We're told "Oh you are such a typical Taurus..or Scorpio or Leo" or whatever.  We read popular books on the subject and magazine newspaper predictions. We absorb 'our sign' traits and cement them into our personalities and discussion them with friends. 
 Now I am not dissing or picking on Astrology here. Any number of  thought/beliefs could be substituted here...and equally not dissed...remember all has validity through energy!  Astrology is just one example: This ancient art/science has become a fixture in popular culture and yet, as fascinating and absorbing a subject as Astrology is*, it is, in the end, just thought and belief energy. Indeed, there is also thought and belief energy that Astrology is all 'wrong'! ** But 'right' or 'wrong' judgement on Astrology or anything else is not significant here.  What is significant is that it is the thought/belief energy that creates the validity of all things.  The power of thought/belief can influence ...sometimes even manifest anything..for good or ill.

 You can believe in Astrology or not. But, problems arise when people over identify with programmed behavioral traits...indeed with any absorbed programmed tenet, to the point of  it being a negative or self limiting influence in their lives and in the lives of others.  Thought/belief energy has been proven to influence..and could even have the power... to manifest healing or disease!

Programmed energies are found in family generational influences and teachings passed down through millennia. Some of these are useful and positive but some are quite the reverse..even harmful. 

The important question now to ask is whether these absorbed programmed and conditioned thoughts/beliefs are positive or negative influences. Do they enhance the mind/body/spirit or depress it? Do they increase or limit healthy life force? Do they make the world happier or more miserable? More loving or hateful? Do they free up or control? People can cling hard to conditioned mindsets even when they are so obviously harmful to themselves and others.  How closely we clutch the very chains that bind us!  

"Psychologists tell us that by the time we’re in our mid-30s, our identity or personality will be completely formed. This means that for those of us over 35, we have memorized a select set of behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, emotional reactions, habits, skills, associative memories, conditioned responses, and perceptions that are now subconsciously programmed within us. Those programs are running us, because the body has become the mind. This means that we will think the same thoughts, feel the same feelings, react in identical ways, behave in the same manner, believe the same dogmas, and perceive reality the same ways. About 95 percent of who we are by midlife is a series of subconscious programs that have become automatic—driving a car, brushing our teeth, overeating when we’re stressed, worrying about our future, judging our friends, complaining about our lives, blaming our parents, not believing in ourselves, and insisting on being chronically unhappy, just to name a few.”  Dr. Joe Dispenza

Some examples of passed down negative programming: 'Money is bad', 'Sex is bad', All 'I can't', 'I won't,' or 'It's impossible', or 'I should or should not' beliefs.  Buddhists have a saying about our thoughts: " Thoughts are like naughty children...they get up to all sorts of mischief when they are not being watched." 

 So what is the answer?

Awareness, consciousness, can loosen and release these chains...

" Unrealized consciousness becomes a burning fire..." Marie-Louise von Franz

No matter what one's thoughts/beliefs are...becoming conscious to what they are...as simply thought and belief energy... is key. Then opens suddenly a door to TRUTH! All at once you can perceive yourself clearly...free to BE your true self, your individual experience of the Divine Life Force! With the awakened consciousness to choose, free to embrace positive thoughts and beliefs but also to differentiate: free to release negative conditioning and programming. Becoming clear..really BEcoming. All as a part of the ALL and ONE Divine experience.

'No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.' William Blake 

                                     'All you need is Love.' John Lennon

Why is it that even though I have examined and explored my conditioning..and understand what has been holding me back...I still can't move forward?  I've studied the Law of Attraction and tried positive thinking...yet I am not shifting..at least not fast enough towards being happier with a more productive life? 

Negative programming and conditioning can sometimes be difficult to bring to consciousness and let go;  energy blocks can be very real.  In becoming aware and conscious you sometimes need help from a therapist or energy healer.  All modalities are like branches of the same tree of healing and all can have useful merits. As a Body Code Energy Healer primarily, I recommend The Body Code. I myself have not found a more efficient modality for transformation towards greater consciousness awareness... the path to peace of mind and heart and also Spirit!

Blessings Love and Light!


For more information:
Contact Nikki Danby Twist CECP CBCP Reiki III      www.dflenergyhealer.com
Free Consultations. nikkidanby@gmail.com
Sessions in Person and worldwide with Distance Energy Healing via Skype.

Tenet: 'A principle or belief, especially one of the main principles in religion or philosophy.  Synonyms: principle,belief, doctrine, precept, credo, creed, article of faith, axiom, dogma, canon, theory, thesis, premise, conviction, idea,view, opinion, position, ideology, code of belief, teaching.

Disclaimer: Releasing trapped emotions using The Emotion Code™, The Body Code , Reiki III, or any other type of Energy Healing practiced by Nikki Danby Twist, whether in person or by proxy, is not a substitute for medical care. This information is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Information received is not intended to create any physician-patient relationship, nor should it be considered a replacement for consultation with a health care professional, nor is it meant to replace any medical treatments as ordered by any Physician, nor any other medical care you have been advised to seek by them. I further understand that these methods are not a replacement for any professional psycho-therapeutic or counseling sessions in the treatment of any mental health issues or disorders.  If you have questions or concerns about your health, please contact your health care provider. Energy Healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieving stress and supporting the body's natural ability to heal. Energy healing is widely recognized s a valuable and effective complement to conventional medical care. The provider, Nikki Danby Twist,  makes no claims as to healing or recovery from any illness. This information is offered as a service and is not meant to replace any medical treatment. No guarantee is made towards validity. All information given is confidential. Should a client wish to give a testimonial, all last names will be kept private. All Healing Session purchases are non-refundable.


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